Programs for Students in Years 1 – 6

– Staff with specialist training in Autism including the TEACCH and ABA programs. 
– We try as much as we can to staff the classrooms with a ratio of 4 adults to 10 students. 
– Individual programs that cater for individual students. Each student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

What do we teach:

  • Academic skills with a focus on functional literacy and numeracy.
  • Life skills such as cooking, shopping, money skills, washing & cleaning.
  • Protective behaviours.
  • Community Access skills such as interacting with the public and using public facilities swimming pool, recreation centre, shopping centre and library.
  • Healthy living skills such as exercising and eating well.
  • Personal grooming and hygiene skills such as teeth cleaning, hand washing, wearing appropriate clothing & being sun smart.
  • Swimming program delivered by qualified instructors.


Literacy forms the base of the way we teach the children. All teachers are trained to make literacy a priority.

We have a whole school approach to teaching literacy that is modelled on the Promoting Literacy Development (PLD) programs.  There is a focus on literacy, oral language and movement and motor.  The literacy program works on teaching spelling and decoding skills along with comprehension and written expression.  The oral language program concentrates on word knowledge, sentence structure, language understanding and structured thinking.  The movement and motor program supports physical skill development such as pencil grip, cutting skills and handwriting.

Assessments are conducted at the start of each year and then frequently throughout the year to find individual student literacy needs and programs are developed based on those results and teacher observations. 


A range of mathematic assessments are used to cater to the individual needs of students. With the broader levels established, teachers are more confident crafting appropriate assessments to provide diagnostic information and inform planning and the setting of IEP goals.


Primary Curriculum 1
Primary Curriculum 2