Early Intervention Program for 4-6 year olds

Our school provides specialist education programs early childhood students with a range of disabilities. Staff with specialist training in the Discrete Trial Training and extensive experience in Autism including the TEACCH and ABA programs.

  • Communication skills are a focus in the ELC.  The importance of giving a student a voice is our biggest priority in the early years.

  • A curriculum focus on relevant academic and life skills to increase independence.

  • Highly structured curriculum which teaches relevant, specific skills quickly.
  • An Individual Education Plan (IEP) and portfolio for each student.
  • The teaching of new skills one-to-one.
  • Small group work to consolidate and generalise skills.
  • PECS taught, when needed, to support the development of communication skills.
  • Recorded data to monitor student progress .
  • Picture schedules, structured work systems and clear task organisation.
  • A visually stimulating classroom with clear areas for different activities.
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